Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Under The Spotlight - Debunk

Hey guys,

Today I am going to highlight why Debunk should have a home in your sidedeck and also potential in a counter fairy build.

First of all Debunk can be activated to Negate the activation of an Effect Monsters effect that activates in the hand or graveyard and then it is removed from play.

So lets state some of the cards this can negate, Gorz, Effect Veiler, D.D. Crow. These are more of the generic cards that a lot of people play.

When you make it more specific this card can completely shut down Treeborn Frog which obviously is huge, plus having it me so versitile just makes it a better asset then D.D. Crow. On that same note it has the same utility as a Chain Disappearance would.

If you were playing against a Vayu Turbo this is one of the only cards that could stop it in its tracks, as well as a lot of the plant engine cards like Spore, Glow-Up Bulb and anything else that activates in grave.

You can also side this card in your decks as an answer to Effect Veiler, like if your playing Fish OTK and you instantly lose to Effect Veiler well side this card in and now your perfectly safe.

I hope you guys found this helpful and thanks for stopping by,


Question of the Day: How many of you guys play Pokemon Black or White?

Monday, 27 June 2011

Todays Tech - Fortune Ladies

Hey guys,

Just posting up a quick one on the splashability of Fortune Ladies, in Genex Monarchs.

So to make your Genex Monarch deck support Fortune Ladies all you have to do is put Fortune Lady Water and Fortune Lady Dark into your build.

Fortune Lady Dark is a Level 5, 2000 ATK and 2000 DEF monster and when ever a Fortune Lady kills an opponents monster by battle and sends it to the graveyard, you can special summon one Fortune Lady from your graveyard.

I.E. Fortune Lady Water, which is a 1200 ATK 1200 DEF level 4 and when it is special summoned while you control a Fortune Lady you draw 2 cards.

They work perfectly together and all you technically have to do is throw them in your build. Of course you can still run Swap Frog, but using Genex Undine to either send Treeborn Frog or Fortune Lady Water.

I hope you find this interesting, and if you have other ways to use Fortune Ladies in a monarch build leave it in the comments below.



Friday, 24 June 2011

Deck Profile - Dragunity Thanks For The Help

Hey Guys,

honestly speaking a lot of you gave some great advice, now I have to aquire a Zephyros.

Dragunity Deck

Monsters (14)

3 Dragunity Dux
3 Dragunity Legionnaire
3 Dragunity Phalanx
2 Dragunity Aklys
2 Effect Veiler
1 Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite

Spells (15)

3 Dragon Ravine
2 Terraforming
2 Pot of Avarice
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Card of Consonance
1 Book of Moon
1 Monster Reborn
1 Dark Hole
1 Giant Trunade

Traps (11)

2 Dimensional Prison
2 Solemn Warning
2 Dust Tornado
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Mirror Force
1 Icarus Attack

So this is the revised version, I think if you honestly read the comments a lot of this is addressed.

I think this is a very solid build, I will have to play test with it and tell you guys how it is going.

Thanks again for your help!

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Todays Tech - Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer

Hey Guys,

Just as I begin to type my second Post I can already remember how much I love doing this.

So today I'm going to be telling you guys why you should either be main decking or side decking Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer.

First of all it is a level 4 monsters with 1800ATK and 700DEF, it is a Dark Spellcaster, while this card is face-up on the field your opponent cannot remove cards from the graveyard. Secondly when this card inflicts damage to your opponent you can remove up to 2 cards from the opponents graveyard.

So upon the recent success of the Agents (Fairy's) I have come to the conclusion that Kycoo can effectively shut this deck down, stopping a lot of their larger plays and holding them at bay,

On that same not, it can really effect Zombies since they require cards in grave and often remove from play cards from the grave.

For obvious reasons this is also really strong against (Plants, Frogs, Scraps and Dragunity) remove from play key cards the decks just shut down.

Obviously it can hurt other decks and slow them down but it doesn't instantly ruin their strategy, so I hope Kycoo can find a new home in your deck.

If you have any thoughts or comments on how else you can use Kycoo leave a comment, or any suggestions of future Tech, leave me a comment!

I may have a deck profile for you guys on Friday from a reader/viewer.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Under The Spotlight - Dragunity Tribus

Hey guys,

today I will be covering a recently forgotten deck type Dragunity's, obviously regarding the title the main subject of todays blog is Tribus.

Dragunity Tribus is a Level 1 wind type,
500 ATK and 300 DEF
Winged Beast

When this card is normal or special summoned you can 1 level 3 or lower dragon type monster from your deck to the grave.

So this card is a Foolish Burial that combos well with the Dragunity theme.

First of all of course you can send Phalanx or Aklys to the graveyard, which is wicked cause thats what the deck needs.

Secondly you can send Tribus to the graveyard to special summon Dragunity Arma Mystletainn, which in turn can equip Phalanx and synchro into a level 8 monster.

The other things you can do is offer it as a tribute for Spiritual Wind Art or Icarus Attack! Both of these help control the opponent and obviously put in you in a better posistion.

Remember you can bring out Tribus with Flying Kamakari, and with Vortex the Whirlwing and still get his effect.

Thanks for stopping by,


Thursday, 16 June 2011

Welcome To The Beginning

This is my first post, nothing really addressed.

Be aware I will discuss things on here that either relate to Stay On Track, like deck lists or strategies that are only accessible to the dire fans who seek my blog.

I will post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Unless something amazing comes up I will post on off days.

Thanks for following and enjoy the posts.
